Workflow & app guides

How can I transfer my files without access to renderBeamer? (FTP)
How can I transfer my files without access to renderBeamer? (FTP)
Missing LightWave plugin in shelf
Missing LightWave plugin in shelf
3ds Max V-Ray
3ds Max V-Ray
General guide
General workflow
General workflow
General guide
Maya Arnold
Maya Arnold
Modo Native
Modo Native
3ds Max Corona
3ds Max Corona
Maya Redshift
Maya Redshift
Modo V-Ray
Modo V-Ray
Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D full workflow
Cinema 4D full workflow
Cinema 4D
Maya V-Ray
Maya V-Ray
Blender full workflow
Blender full workflow
SketchUp full workflow
SketchUp full workflow
V-Ray Scene
V-Ray standalone full workflow
V-Ray standalone full workflow
V-Ray Scene
After Effects
After Effects full workflow (deprecated)
After Effects full workflow (deprecated)
After Effects
LightWave 3D
LightWave full workflow
LightWave full workflow
LightWave 3D
Redshift standalone (.rs)
Redshift standalone (.rs) full workflow
Redshift standalone (.rs) full workflow
Redshift standalone (.rs)



Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin

Our Maya plugin should be automatically installed when using the installer directly in our renderBeamer app. If you followed our Maya guide and can't locate our plugin when you open Maya, then you can add the missing plugin manually.

Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
renderBeamer plugin from Maya interface

There usually can be 3 causes of the plugin being missing in the shelf:

  • Cause 1 - Plugin did not install in the correct Maya scripts directory
  • Cause 2 - Some 3rd party addon interfered with adding plugin icon, or some other reason that prevented the icon from being added
  • Cause 3 - Incorrect user privileges on OSX

Cause 1 - Plugin did not install in the correct Maya scripts directory

You can check if this is the cause by running a command in the Maya script editor.

Paste the following text into the Python box, select all of it and click run:

from mayaBeamer import main

If our plugin window opens, this is not the cause of the missing shelf icon. In this case, please proceed to the Cause 2.

If it does not open and script editor shows error like:

ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: No module named mayaBeamer

It means the plugin is not installed or it is installed in the wrong location.

The default Maya scripts directory is:

  Windows: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\scripts\mayaBeamer
  OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/mayaBeamer

Please make sure that you installed the plugin on the same user account that you are using Maya. This needs to be a user account that has administrator privileges.

Cause 2 - Some 3rd party addon interfered with adding plugin icon

  1. Delete the renderBeamer shelf (Window > Settings/Preferences > Shelf Editor) and save preferences (File > Save preferences).
  2. Uninstall renderBeamer (Windows Start > RenderBeamer > Uninstall renderBeamer on Windows OS).
  3. Install it again, let it update and check if the plugin appeared in Maya shelf.
  4. In case the first method fails, please apply the second method.
  1. Create new renderBeamer shelf if you haven't got one after reinstalling Beamer.
    In case the shelf exists, please just click with your RMB on the item inside the shelf and hit "Edit". Next proceed to point g.
Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
  1. Run Shelf Editor:
    Window > Settings/Preferences > Shelf Editor;
  2. Create new shelf called "renderBeamer";
  3. Create new item inside newly created shelf and call it "run renderBeamer";
  4. In the "Icon Name" field please type the following (please adjust the path and the user's folder to your needs):
  5. In the "Tooltip" field type:
    "run renderBeamer"
  6. Make sure you have the new "run renderBeamer" item and switch to the "Command" tab;
Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
  1. Paste the following text into the Python box and close the Editor:
    • for Maya 2014-2020:
      from mayaBeamer import main

      Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
    • for Maya 2022+:
      from imp import reload
      from mayaBeamer import main

      Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
  2. Choose File > Save Preferences and start the plugin, close it and start again (that will ensure it is working correctly without the need of restarting Maya);

Sometimes the plugin icon disappears because Maya loses the ability to read custom shelves correctly. It is enough to remove the existing userPrefs.mel file.

userPrefs.mel file is located here:

  • Win: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\201X\prefs\userPrefs.mel
  • OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/201x/prefs/userPrefs.mel

Please check if the plugin's visible in Maya's shelf afterwards.

In case you still experience issues or need assistance, please get in touch with our support. In solving this issue on our side, it would be useful for us to see the content of the Output window and userSetup.py file, please prepare it and show it to us whenever it is possible.

Cause 3 - Incorrect user privileges on OSX

Sometimes after installing renderBeamer with Maya plugin on OSX machines you can have issues with a missing icon in renderBeamer shelf.

Plugin is linked correctly, but it cannot be started because of the missing icon.

Missing plugin in shelf & removing the plugin

To fix this issue, you need to browse to the path where Autodesk Maya stores our plugin and change privileges to the whole directory.

To check the path to the .pxm file just edit the renderBeamer icon by right clicking and switching to the "shelves" tab.

In the example below, the user is "GarageFarm" but on your machine you will see your own user.

Missing plugin in shelf & removing the plugin

Next, browse (using Finder) to the path provided in the Icon Name and change the whole directory privileges to "Read & Write" for all groups and use the "Apply to enclosed items..." option.

Missing plugin in shelf & removing the plugin

Restart Maya to see changes.

How to remove the plugin files and uninstall the plugin

To remove our plugin for Maya you can do it by using the "remove" option directly in our renderBeamer app:

Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin

If automatic uninstallation process of our plugin didn’t work and the plugin is still visible in Maya UI, please remove all plugin files manually. The default locations are:

  Windows: C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\maya\scripts\mayaBeamer
  OSX: /Users/{YourUserName}/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/mayaBeamer

Missing Maya plugin in shelf & removing the plugin
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