The holiday season is on, but our development department is still working on improving our plugins for renderBeamer and adding new options in our software. This month we've focused on improving renderBeamer, but there are also a lot of updates for V-ray, Adobe After Effects, Modo, Maya, 3ds Max, and LightWave plugins. Here is every render farm update from July 2020.
Web Manager
Added “show progress” option in the jobs panel. Now, users can easily open the real-time progress panel by just selecting a job. When using “show progress”, the panel will open automatically, even if it's closed.
Added change node groups under RMB.
Added high RAM usage notification.
Fixed frames data in job details (.tsv file).
Added option to hide render outputs in the downloads tab. When a job is hidden, it won't be listed and downloaded along with other jobs.
The hidden job will be skipped while running frames auto-download feature. Jobs can be easily hidden/unhidden under the RMB options menu.
Added memory limit setting.
Added checking for minimal required plugin version.
Improved plugins installer download speed and installation process.
Improved update order.
Improved download performance for many small files.
Improved concurrency and thread management.
GUI performance and responsiveness optimizations.
A new native executable for Windows. Now, renderBeamer can be pinned to the Windows taskbar.
Changed versioning scheme to 3 decimal places.
Runtime updated to JDK14.
Auto submit for Modo will now only submit active render passes.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
IMPORTANT: This is now the minimum version required to run renderBeamer and connect with the farm properly. You must download the latest installer from the website.
Added support for the plugin temp directory.
Added the main exporter app in the plugin log file.
Improved asset re-linker workflow. Now textures can be easily replaced with other names.
Improved strips mode. Now strips mode is checking for possible divisor based on the scene resolution.
Fixed issues with a plugin startup script.
Other under the hood improvements for a better V-Ray rendering experience!
Adobe After Effects
Audio info is now added to .gfs.
Fixed issue with dot sign-in project names.
Fixed issues with non-Latin characters in compositions and assets names.
Fixed issue with video assets is not linked in the project after upload.
Fixed issue with & sings and other system signs in the .gfs settings file.
Fixed issue with fonts list duplication in the .gfs settings file.
Other under the hood improvements.
Fixed issues with .gfs file preparation
New Modo version 14.1 is supported on our farm! Happy MODO rendering!
Added support for Redshift bokeh assets.
Improved workflow for Redshift denoisers - Redshift 3.x got OptiX denoiser locked, and Altus Single/Dual Pass denoiser unlocked. Redshift 2.x - OptiX denoiser is unlocked, and Altus Single/Dual Pass denoiser is locked.
renderBeamer.bat is changed to renderBeamer.exe (plugins).
3ds Max
Fixed issues with not relinked UHD cache.
New LightWave3D version 2020.0.2 is supported on our farm! Happy Lightwave 3d rendering!