This episode of CG Talks (The podcast where CG guys talk about CG) is the second part of a conversation with Grant Osborne - Melbourne (Australia) based 3d generalist and motion designer.
This time we discuss the latest online 3d challenge run by the famous Clinton Jones aka. Pwnisher (however you spell it ?) called ‘Moving Meditations’. Both Grant and DJ participated in the challenge and submitted their animations. Grant shares the ups and downs of working on his submission. Despite not qualifying for any rewards, the fun, learning, and creative engagement in such challenges are a great opportunity to grow as a 3d artist. Grant has also participated in many other 3d challenges such as 36 days of type (check out his Instagram to see his very inspiring and playful creations:
We talk about trying new things vs sticking to your comfort zone and many other cool topics like AI taking our jobs or just the tedious and boring tasks :). Listen, be inspired, and keep rendering. (If you want more interesting interviews with GC industry guests make sure to subscribe and share the podcast with your friends!