August ‘17 Render Farm Software Update Roundup Last month has seen a ton of updates for our renderBeamer plugin for some of our supported 3d programs. We’ve improved plugin stability and introduced some exciting new features we’re sure you’ve been waiting for. Here’s a roundup of what our friendly neighborhood developers have been busy with for the month of August:
still shots multi camera support in Vray is now faster and more stable (each camera will be saved and uploaded separately) disabled hardware acceleration for denoiser filtering in Vray 3.x (GPU mode) added support Corona’s CXR for animations and stills (but merging isn’t supported for stills) fixed Corona 1.6.1 ‘missing assets’ dialog window (3ds Max 2017 & 2018) added support for simplified multiple camera rendering for animations and stills still shots multi camera support in Vray is now faster and more stable (each camera will be saved and uploaded separately) added prompts about not supported features (Photon map, 3ds Max internal cached hair and fur, .vrscene plugins) now you can render with Vray RT set as main render engine (in render as is mode) added support for VDB cache files uploading linked Vray GI maps is now supported added support for Shave & a Haircut dynamic caches (*.stat) added handling for multiple renderers in one scene uploading linked Vray GI maps is now supported unsupported prefixes are now being changed automatically added support for OpenVDB plugin GI maps overrides are no longer applied added support for Tiled camera rendering (for still shots) added support for Tiled camera rendering (for still shots) improvements in ‘autosave’ switches in GI/Caustics/AO fixed issues with custom GI paths in C4D renderer added strips mode for rendering still shots in Vray standalone we extended our support for Vray standalone renderer (.vrscene) added format selection for Vray standalone added strips mode for rendering still shots in Vray standalone Rhino & Vray 3.4 are now fully supported you can render still shots in strips mode you can cache GI & render your stills on multiple nodes Sketchup & Vray 3.4 are now fully supported you can render stills shots in strips mode you can render animations (pages) Web Manager Cinema 4D Takes system update sRGB switch always ON by default for .vrscenes from SketchUp & Rhino If you use 3ds Max, Maya, Modo, Cinema 4D, Sketchup or Rhino, we hope these upgrades make your experience with us even more enjoyable. And for those that haven’t registered yet, click this link and get test credits, on the house!
Happy rendering from all of us at GarageFarm.NET!