S4E17 | Lucian Raicovitan - The road to the CGI industry powerhouse 1/1

S4E17 | Lucian Raicovitan - The road to the CGI industry powerhouse 1/1

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This time Marco had an opportunity to talk with a very special guest, Lucian Racovitan - an Architect turned Archviz artist who has plied his architectural chops for at least a decade in different places across the globe - Japan, Abu Dhabi, Copenhagen before he shifted to 3D visualization full-time.

He is the founder of Bucharest Studio, and he and his team have been behind some absolutely stunning archviz renders! We're glad to have sat with him for a closer look into the life of Lucian as it relates to his work with Bucharest Studio, his perspective as a visualization artist, and his experience with us on our render farm. Take a seat and listen to this great conversation about Lucian's experience path!

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